Monday, December 20, 2010

"Maybe if we wasn't black then we wouldn't have struggled.."

We hear the stories of the child who gets left behind in class or saw Penny being burned by an iron on Good Times but did you ever think that you would come face to face with a child who has experienced that? Not just one child, a school filled with children who were zoned off and grouped because of the place they call home. What happened to obtaining an equal education within your own community? Rather than having to worry about the acts of racism because of your skin color it now boils down to whether you live in an apartment or house. But who's to blame? Can we blame the officials we have elected to the Board of Education or teachers for not taking a stand on the treatment of these students? Maybe we should blame the parents for the conditions they force the children to grow up in NOPE I got it!!!! Let's all blame the kids, yeah you know they're stupid, don't pay attention in class and it appears to be no hope for the future.

On a recent visit to an area elementary school on the westside of town, the discovery of Absent Parent Syndrome, poor academic outreach and children who only want to be given a chance was thrown at my face. But what could I do and how is it that this blatant lack of community assistance, poor family values and disheartening reading levels allowed to take place for so long.  We have to take into account the historical placement of why this may be happening. Low budget/overcrowded housing, lack of government funding to ensure the academic success of children in public schools and yes the 80's era of Reaganomics (which can still be felt today). Dramatic rise in unemployment, inflation and homelessness signal the failure of Reagans economic program. Yet we can't blame that for the way children have continued to suffer in the public school system. Yes, African Americans have been dealt possibly the worst hand of humans to date, but yet still manage to rise above and defeat odds. So what happened? African American males are steady declining when it comes to literacy levels and graduation rates. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT

Is it the lack of reinforcement in the homes that have caused children to read at two grade levels behind where they should be? Yes. Several children were asked "what do you do once you get home?" Their reply: "nothing, play video games or sit in the room." We have failed our future generations tremendously, the ball has been dropped and no one is picking it up. Instead we blame the school systems (which are half of the blame...explaining later) and label the child as having ADD or ADHD, rather than sitting with our children, taking time to read to them and figure out what they might be going through. As a child, mother read to me every night and made sure that when she didn't I had a book in my hand and could read it front to back. As a matter of fact when I was in trouble, my punishment was to read books until it was bedtime.  There is a huge generational gap community wise and mentally. Remember it takes a VILLAGE to raise a child. Not one. Not just mom, dad and siblings. But a VILLAGE. I'm talking church members, neighbors, aunts, uncles, friends of the family...etc.

Now onto the school system faults.
Number 1.) Why is it legally acceptable to label children because of their parents income? Meaning certain kids suffer while living in subsidized housing, and those who can afford decent houses attend the schools that are 10x better and more hands on with the students.
Number 2.) The CRCT test is a joke. The preparation for the CRCT is a joke. Now if I were preparing for a test, I would make sure to read everything carefully, understanding what I am reading and how to apply it when needed. How can that be the case, when the students are encouraged to read fast, so that way they get the test done quickly, regardless of how many mistakes they make and whether or not they comprehend. 5 out of the 8 students who read to me told me they could not take their time and read slowly because they would fail the test. How is that teaching children to succeed and where is the learning capability in all of that.

The longer we wait to help and save the youth the more time is wasted. Before we know it, it will be too late. Then who to blame? No one but ourselves. The truth hurts and the truth is we haven't been doing anything to secure the future of those who will come after us. The last few generations (myself included) have reaped the benefits of our ancestors what will we leave for future generations?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Feeling REAL poetic today!

I have been looking for some positive poetry dedicated to African American males. Not just poems written by African American men, but ones that paint pictures of AA males in a positive light. Not the same dead beat father, women being scorn by men blah blah blah. Yes that happens and all of those topics are truth but who tells the story of the STRONG, INDEPENDENT, WORKING male who sacrifices night and day to provide for his family, or the college graduate that started his own business...maybe even the man who educates his community through social programs and volunteering with youth so that they know the great culture they are apart of.
I did however come across In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall and one poem entitled My Father written by Briley Gabriel

My Father

I never knew my father.

My case is not unique.

My life is better for that fact

to hear my mother speak.

I never knew his anger,

or felt his heavy hand.

I never was subjected

to her image of the man.

But I do not feel lucky

for all that I was spared.

There is a void within me.

I feel his absence there.

I am not ungrateful.

I know her sacrifice.

She left him to ensure us both

a happier, healthier life.

But now my seed is planted,

my twenty second year.

His void is gaping larger.

My heart is filled with fear.

For I must be the father now,

the one I never had,

to teach the things I never learned

and be the perfect dad.

A life entrusted to me;

drawn from my very soul.

Depending on my wisdom

to shape and mold his own.

What memories will I draw from?

What blueprint or what plan

can I retrieve to raise

this son of mine into a man?

Perhaps I will remember

the things that I had missed:

the games of catch,

the great bear hugs,

or bedtimes gentle kiss.

Perhaps the father of my mind,

the one I dreamed about,

will be a better model

than the one I did without.

Well ain't that some...

For You My Sister

During my reading of Family Affair. I came across a poem that I would like to share...

                                                                                           - Stacy Evans Morgan

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Education continues after Graduation

Borders is having a HUGE going out of business sale!!! If you are in the Atlanta area be sure to check out the Borders on Ashford-Dunwoody Rd...great deals. Lately the feeling of stupidity has been setting in...feeling like I haven't learned anything worth sharing with anyone. One of the downsides to that excellent break between undergrad and grad school is wanting to go back at this very moment. I don't want to fill out all the necessary paperwork, take the GRE and write a 2 page paper on why I am qualified to receive an education at "your" prestigious university. So what do I do...I read, and read and read hoping to engage in conversation with other scholars and those who have chosen not to further their education.

So six new books to read = yaaaaaaaaay! Currently reading in order
 1) Family Affair: What It Means to Be African American Today edited by Gil L. Robertson then
 2) It's Bigger Than Hip Hop: The Rise of The Post Hip Hop Generation - M. K. Asante Jr.
 3) The Anthology of Rap - Edited by Adam Brady and Andrew Dubois
 4) Jay-Z Decoded - Shawn Carter and Dream Hampton
 5) The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni 1968-1998 

A Mind Is A Terrible Thing to Waste

Let My Beat Build..

Recently uploaded some GREAT music to my iPod. Support Ray $...Morehouse College graduate sharing his vision through the world of hip-hop. Download his new mixtape RSVP for free @ and follow him on Twitter @Redberry_Ray. My favorite songs are Deepest Fear and  Sundresses and Iced Teas... definitely worth the download dope artist and cool dude. Oh yeah he's a fellow AUC graduate. (it's a secret society all we ask is trust)

Mr. Kanye West dropped his fifth studio album entitled My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
My opinion: hands down 5 stars CLASSIC!! Perfectly sequenced, each Kanye album has told a portion of his life and this album is no different. Chronicling his life during his relatipnship with Amber Rose and how he almost lost his career along with his sanity after his Taylor Swift incident. Nothing else to be said.

"We not illuminati but our eye is on the money" - Jay Electronica
Immediately after announcing his new home = Roc Nation, New Orleans native Jay Electronica dropped two records 1) The Announcement and 2) Shiny Suit Theory f. Jay-Z [not completely finished].

I Thought You Said It's the Return of the Black Kings...

Twas the Night Before the Coming...

Mrs. President: Shirley Chisholm

"When I die, I want to be remembered as a woman who lived in the twentieth century and who dared to be a catalyst for change. I don't want to be remembered as the first black woman who went to Congress, and I don't even want to be remembered as the first woman who happens to be black to make a bid for the presidency. I want to be remembered as a women who fought for change in the twentieth century. That's what I want."
 - Shirley Chisholm

Shirley Chisholm was a congresswoman, author and educator in the 20th Century with the intention to change.  The first black woman to run for President of the United States of America in 1972 and an advocate for education and health care. In 1968 She defeated Republican opponent James Farmer and became the first Black woman elected to Congress. 

"I faced more discrimination because I was a woman rather than being black"

During her term in Congress Shirley Chisholm worked to improve education and unemployment programs to improve inner city life and opportunity. After retirement from Congress in 1982 she continued teaching politics and women studies and visiting scholar at Spelman College.  Before her death in January 2005, she was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Aladdin Sphinx

"For every inch they cut the nose off the Sphinx..." - K.West
"Shot off they nose to impose what basically still goes on today you see" - Nas

I was watching Aladdin last night and my favorite scene came on...Jasmine and Aladdin singing A Whole New World and I noticed the chipping off the nose of the Sphinx of Giza. Now why would this particular scene be in the movie and why would they give it camera time? Of course it has to mean something. If not they would have made no mention of the three pyramids of Giza that appeared before the Sphinx (in the same scene). Many are familiar with the argument of how the Sphinx lost his nose and why it still continues to be the center of ancient arguments today.
Anyway I took the stance of actually trying to decipher the meaning of the "scultpor" chopping the nose off the Sphinx. It could be a subliminal message saying this what really happened and all that Napolean crap is just that = CRAP. However, I think alone and there is no room for company in my thoughts. But I would like to engage others in this open discussion via Facebook, Twitter...however. Am I thinking too deep into it or is there more to be discovered? And no Disney is not the illuminati. Check the video below:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When Is Enough Enough?

        Remember the movie Enough starring Jennifer Lopez...abusive psychotic husband who tried to control her life after a while? Well what happens when Enough becomes reality and you have to decide between living in fear while trying to maintain a relationship or your sanity? 
       This happened to be the case with 41 year old Patrick Dell who murdered his wife and her four children early Monday morning in Riviera Beach, Florida. For full details on the story it can be found at TheGrio. One thing I would like to discuss is knowing when enough is enough. What defines the breaking point for those who struggle with physical abuse and have reported the issue several times.  Reports say that DCFS was informed of the conditions of the household and dismissed the case without removing the children or investigating further.  This particular situation was one of the key stories in For Colored Girls, however this isn't a movie and who should be held accountable?
       DCFS can be partial to blame for the reason that they didn't take the preventative measures to secure the children in a turbulent household.  The police department can be held accountable because the mother reported to them several times that she was in danger and that he would not leave her alone, but then again she continued to welcome him back in her home.  I find fault with the wife for filing a restraining order but then openly welcoming that person back and putting not only your life but your childrens life in danger. Many will point the blame totally on the wife for being contradicting and somewhat naive, but what happens when the shoe is on the other foot.
       As people we are quick to judge and assume what we would do if it happened to us BUT when it does happen what do we say?  You tend to fall in the same category as the previous victims and we are back at square one. No one understands until you yourself are in the exact same situation. I think it is a mental disease - not being able to let go - dependency on love. How can we break free from this syndrome? There are abuse clinics, psychologists and hotlines that people can reach out to to receive help but I still don't feel as if that is enough. Sad to say stories like this happen all the time and it seems that it does not become serious until tragedy strikes.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Commercials that make you say hmmm...

I just can't with these commercials. The Church's Chicken commercial bothers me. What person stands in the closet for more than 10 minutes deciding on an outfit to wear to Church's? Not to mention it was TWO of the same jacket that he pulled out of the closet. WTF...and there wasn't even any variety in the commercial.

These next set of commercials...smh

For Colored Girls: The TP version

       I saw For Colored Girls twice...I might just go and see it again. I tend to get a different understanding and notice similarities/differences between the book/play/film. First off congratulations to Tyler Perry for bringing such a moving and somewhat untold story of Colored Girls worldwide to the widescreen.  However after I saw the movie the first time I felt empty, as if the film was not complete and there would be a part two. So you didn't feel that way either? Were you not confused with the placement of some of the poems and the colors of the characters. For Colored Girls Who Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuff (original book) consists of 20 poems and focuses on the lives of seven ladies who are only known by colors.
       These seven women tell the stories of rape, abuse and abortion to name a few. Now in the book Lady in Red deals with the abusive relationship, however in the film Janet plays Lady in Red and Kimberly Elise is the one in the abusive relationship. I can see the symbolism with Janet being red simply because of the HIV outcome. Other than that I am clueless as to why it was switched around. I loved Whoopi's role though...oh yeah and did she have to say "he told me I was ugly"...? That line alone reminded me of the Color Purple and how Whoopi might possibly have to carry that around with her forever. But hey she is getting paid to be ugly so go on Whoopi! I related her hoarding habits in her house to the hoarding in her life. Meaning her house was full of clutter, boxes that she didn't want moved and was deeply attached to. Her life was full of old feelings of resentment towards her children that she could not move past and it showed when she spoke with them.
      Whoopi's character also played on the spiritual side of Colored Girls. She relied heavily on religion to guide her daughter and her life, whenever things went wrong she would shout up a religious chant and yell for them to repent.  Just like the boxes that she couldn't seem to move out of the house, she could not forgive her father for what he did to her and allowed that to take up space in her heart to love her children unconditionally.  I loved Phylicia Rashad's character! Nosey neighbor with the loving heart of wisdom and guidance. She was so conveniently placed in between two troubled lives/apartments and gave them the wake up call that they so badly deserved and needed.
      But on the other hand why was Janet's character portrayed as a typical Tyler Perry female? Did she have to be that bitch that worked in corporate America and didn't care about the struggle the black man was going through or better yet her own people? It took for tragedy to strike to open her eyes to what was going on around her. Speaking of men...the book had no men that played major roles but the film (in my opinion) had the men as the root of all the problems. It seemed as if the man was the reason why the women suffered and could not come to terms with their reality. Eh that was a Tyler fail to me.  Like Loretta Devine who I assumed was lady in green...haha I loved her! Especially her poem "My Stuff", the symbolism in that poem to a man walking away with everything that the woman had. In the end she realized she wanted her stuff, meaning her back.
      Overall I will give the movie a B-, I loved it but wish it could have been stronger in certain areas.

A Moment in History: Mumia Abu Jamal

      Who is Mumia Abu-Jamal? Voice of the Voiceless...Political prisoner since 1983. Mumia was the President of the Association of Black Journalists, founding member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Black Panther Party as a teenager and director of the Philadelphia station WHAT.  Mumia Abu-Jamal covered closely the operations of the MOVE Organization and called to attention the brutality and blatant injustice he watched happen to them.  MOVE is a revolutionary organization built on the principles of Life, Natural Law, Self Defense, and The System.
      On the night of December 9, 1981, Mumia (who happened to be a cab driver at the time) just finished dropping off a fare when he heard gunshots and turned around seeing his brother William Cook wounded in the street.  On his way to the scene he was shot by a uniformed police officer and began fading in and out of consciousness.  Police soon arrived and found Mumia and Officer Faulkner shot and dead. Police arrested Mumia and beat him severely on the way to the hospital (which was blocks away but took 30 minutes to arrive).
      In 1982, Mumia was put on trial and decided to act as his own attorney and have John Africa as his legal advisor, but before the jury selection began his decision was revoked and an attorney was appointed for him.  Evidence shows that there is no way possible that Mumia could have possibly shot and killed Faulkner that night. Mumia had a registered .38 caliber and Faulkner was killed with a .44 caliber, also the police failed to test Mumia's gun to see if it registered with gun residue.  False witnesses testified that Mumia was at the scene the time of the shooting and others came forward to see they saw two men fleeing the scene. However none of that was enough to convince the judge that Mumia Abu-Jamal was innocent. Judge Sabor found him guilty and sentenced him to death during the penalty phase based solely on his political beliefs.
      In 1999 Arnold Beverly confessed to killing Officer why is Mumia still in prison? Does Beverly's confession mean nothing to the justice system? Why is there still an innocent man on death row for a crime he did not commit when the killer confessed?  Mumia is not the only political prisoner who remains in jail for their beliefs and crimes that they did not commit. When will the injustice end for those trying to unite a culture and awaken the masses to see more than what they hear?  Assata Shakur is in Cuba living under political asylum for a crime she did not commit in New Jersey in 1973, yet the state of New Jersey still has a $1 million bond on her head.
     What is truly amazing is how we yell Free Weezy! Free TIP! Free Boosie! NOOOO let them stay in jail for a crime they did commit and let's begin yelling Free Mumia! Free the MOVE 9! People who are innocent and stood up for what they believed in. This country and the people in it have a backwards way of thinking. We constantly prove that we are worried about the wrong things, yet do not support the people that really need our help.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Love My Hair! How About You?

Cute video with a positive message for young African American girls. Shout out to Sesame Street for airing the video. The song was written by Joey Mazzarino, who happens to be the head write of Sesame Street and adoptive parent to a 5 year old Ethiopian daughter Segi. During an interview for NPR Mazzarino told Melissa Block that he witnessed his daughter playing with a doll and "she wanted to have long blond hair and straight hair, and she wanted to be able to bounce it around."

It isn't often that young girls get positive reinforcement for their natural dark and kinky hair and the various ways they style them. Hopefully parents will share this video with their children and continue to encourage love for the way their hair is. Remember the time when Just For Me perm commercials would air every hour, to remind you that your hair wasn't straight enough and the perm would do wonders? Ha! Silly I tell ya just silly! Now that I think about it, those youth relaxer commercials were nothing but foolish. Why couldn't we rock our "nappy" hair if we wanted to? Why must we be brainwashed and pressured into getting a relaxer at such a young age. . . the more I think about it the more it makes me mad. Well peep the cute muppet baby video below!

I Love My Hair:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Won't Complain

33 Miners. 69 Days. Underground. Barely visible light. 7 oz of water a day. Stuck underground. No family. Everyday necessities no longer become important. All that matters is the time they had and the faith they held onto. I (we) shall no longer complain about small things. They may even seem big at the time but we should always say "this situation is only temporary". It's sad that we only realize the value of something once we witness it being taken away or someone else suffering. We should not have to go through pain to appreciate joy. Appreciate your life and take nothing for granted. Not even the sheets on your bed let alone the bed. Everything is a blessing and we should treat it as such. Just remember the shoe can always be on the other foot. I forgot to mention the rescue of the 33 miners started around October 12 @ 11 pm and it is currently 5:17 pm, 27 miners have been rescued. Six more to go.

"I was with God and I was with the Devil. But God won. I held onto Gods hand and I knew that he would get me out of there". - taken from one of the miners during his interview.

Breast Cancer Awareness 365

Support Breast Cancer Awareness 365 days instead of 31!!! Breast Cancer has claimed an estimated 39,000 lives in 2010 and 207,000 new cases have been found. This disease claims the lives of so many of our loved ones, old and young alike. It does not have to be passed down through generations for a person to get it either, you can be the first person in your family to carry the cancer. Let us all get checked out regularly and remember to inform other of the dangers of Breast Cancer. It not only affects women but men as well. Lets grow together in knowledge and love. I created a t-shirt to support and also raise awareness about Breast Cancer. Show your support as well and tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Here is the website to purchase the shirt <----- please continue to support the cause and raise AWARENESS

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rethinking Columbus Day

Everyone knows that Christopher Columbus didn't discover America...he simply stumbled upon land that was already claimed. I found some videos that take a different approach to rethinking Columbus Day. I must say the fifth graders did a excellent job as to examining and presenting the problem.

Reconsider Columbus day is a movement by Nu Heights Cinema to inform and educate as to why we shouldn't celebrate the holiday. Let's celebrate the people who were here vs the man who slaughtered!

Dear Mama

This video surfaced a few years ago but I find myself falling in love with his message all over again. For those who are single mothers the message that is in the song is beautiful, reassuring even for a second of better days to come.

Check Bently out on Ellen

A Long Time Coming?

I've had my say with this issue. It's a very selective issue for Morehouse as far as rules are being enforced. Are there not more important things to worry about or have we swept this under the rug in the African American community and now it's time to deal with it?

Mean Girls of Morehouse: The Plastics speak up!

Morehouse President responds ... As if this will get the same amount of attention as the cause

Finally another side that I tend to understand as well, however it doesn't erase the problem:
There's TRUTH in it

Peep My Chi: Lupe Fiasco

We will not compromise who we are to be accepted by the crowd...
So I haven't done a post in awhile but so much has been going on where do I begin? Agh yes Those great people at Atlanta Records has decided to release the LASERS project from Lupe Fiasco!!! This explains what all the fuss was about...

I love this manifesto! Truth in every word.

The L.A.S.E.R. Manifesto
To every man, woman and child

1.  We Want An End to the Glamorization of Negativity in The Media.
2.  We Want An End to Status Symbols Dictating Our Worth As Individuals.
3.  We Want A Meaningful and Universal Educational System
4.  We Want Substance in The Place of Popularity.
5.  We Will Not Compromise Who We Are to Be Accepted by The Crowd.
Continue reading

Don't we all want to see a change in the rotation of music that's being played on the radio, videos that appear on 106&Park and artists that we allow to influence the future generation?!?! I remember there was a time when a song such as No Hands would only get airtime on BET's Uncut now people all over are screaming DO IT WITH NO HANDS.  There is a time and place for everything yes and of course the strippers do need something to dance to, that is fine. However, leave the strip club music in the strip club. Yes I too listen to these exact same songs, but was shocked when I asked some friends the question "What exactly are you doing with no hands"? No one responded yet you can ride around all day saying you want to do it with no hands. Girl, bye! Granted some may not want to put their business out there but then don't openly sing suggestive lyrics to songs that you know nothing about.

Songs like He Say She Say and I'm Beaming immediately set Lupe Fiasco aside from the so called gangster rappers. He Say She Say chronicles the relationship between an absent father, single mom and their son. Without saying too much the song sums up the life of most African American boys without their father and the role that the mother is forced to play.
Here is I'm Beamin:

Friday, October 1, 2010

When is Enough Enough?

        So cyber bullying is the new form of making someone feel less of a person now huh? Cyber Bullying = virtual teasing...basically a new way for immature humans to feel better about themselves. I really wish the roles were reversed with bullies and they can see the hurt they cause and the lives that are damaged. What makes one person greater than the next...nothing. However, some of those who do the teasing have been teased in their life as well. So it seems as if the cycle continues. What bothers me the most about bullying is that the issue isn't tackled the way it should be. I am not the queen of statistics so I can't tell you off hand the number of children that have either injured themselves or committed suicide but I do know anything over 0% is unacceptable.
        The issue of teasing/bullying should be discussed regularly in schools nationwide. Not only when something happens and brings national attention, but because it is not right. Sure children mean no harm but what about their words? Everyone knows that children are a whole lot smarter than what we give them credit for and therefore they know what comes out of their mouth. Why don't we hold them to a higher level of responsibility when they are younger so when they become adults NOTHING WILL SURPRISE THEM.
        Sad to say those who bully are not limited to "school-aged" children. In recent news of cyber bullying a Rutgers University college student jumped off the GW Bridge (committed suicide) because his roommate recorded him and another man making out. Why would anyone stoop so low to cause this to happen. Is your roommates sexual preference any of your business and why did you feel to make it known to everyone. I expect for the young man to put on the best act that he knows how and say that he didn't mean to do it and was only playing. Well then that should be told to all of the other young people who have taken their life because the bully was only playing. When will we learn to stop being cruel and become individuals who care about one another. When will bullying go to far and something be done on a national level. Words hurt regardless of what anyone says.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Wix Site for HAVOC

Check out the HAVOC Wix site and the programs we have coming up!!!! It's still under construction and new updates are being added daily.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Destroy/Rebuild: AUC Unity

      The Atlanta University Center also known as the AUC is the largest consortium of Historically Black Colleges and University (haha) in the nation. Schools included are Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, Spelman College, Morehouse School of Medicine and Morris Brown College. Unfortunately Morris Brown better known as Mo B lost their accreditation in the Fall of 2002 and has suffered tremendously since. The sad part about Morris Brown is they were immediately shunned from the AUC and the United Negro College Fund terminated its support as well. In times of need HBCU's should stick together and not back away from the problem. Morris Brown has a rich history and is the only HBCU that was founded by former slaves affiliated with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. As a graduate of Clark Atlanta University it is disgraceful to know that we are not helping our fellow AUC institution member.
       This question automatically pops into my head: With all the "rich" African Americans living in the Atlanta area why can't they donate money to help the cause? If we are serious about restoring the legacy of HBCU's and keeping them relevant then we should start with one that was founded by our ancestors and one that is struggling greatly. Morehouse and Spelman alone receive enough grants and donations to give abundantly to Morris Brown. Why does this school continue to struggle when there are plenty of people/institutions that can give back? Currently the school has a $22 million long term debt that needs to be taken care of a $5 short term debt. The school has reached out to alumni, churches and other suppoorters to raise $40,000 toward the overdue bill. In March of 2009 students, teachers and alumni took to the street and phones to raise $150,000 to prevent water services from being cut off.
       Unfortunately Morris Brown isn't the only school that has lost their accreditation and are trying to rebuild. Schools such as FAMU and Texas Southern University were placed under probation in the past two years due to finacial issues. The inevitable question has been raised...Are HBCU's still relevant?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Something Is Missing

Always have been a fan of Brandy so when I heard this on her Human album there was an instant obsession with the track. How many times have we felt like something was missing? Know where you are supposed to be but having trouble getting there? Brandy vocals are insane on this record!!! Listen to the lyrics carefully...feels like I'm on a long journey going in circles..

What's More Important the Message or the Messenger?

      Sooooooooo Bishop Eddie Long...pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, Ga was recently accused of coercing young men into having sexual relations with him. I don't really care too much about the specifics of the story because that is between him and the God he serves. However I do believe there is a greater issue that needs to be handled. Such as children who are continuously taken advantage of by those in power.  Another issue is that too many are getting caught up in the "that's why I don't believe in all that church stuff anyway". But people like that were never going to church for the right reasons anyway. If a homeless person was screaming at you saying watch out for that car coming, what would you do? Would you be too busy telling them to move or would you hear what they were really saying...
      Secondly, look at the R. Kelly trial. Thousands of people stood by his side when he was accused of having sexual relations with underaged girls, and it was caught on tape. Who will speak for the children who are forced to live with the harsh reality of what is taking place and having no one to talk with. Too often in the African American community we want to defend those who we feel have been leaders when not truly seeing them for who they are. Everyone has imperfections and those who support those imperfections rather than seeking help for the accused are apart of the problem as well. So far I have heard the majority of Bishop Eddie Long supporters say "pray for the Bishop and his family". What about the young men who came forward about what has happened? Are we not human and does everyone not deserve prayer? Thousands possibly millions of children are sexually abused a year but don't have the courage to step forward because they are afraid.
      While it is important to heed what the message is let us pay attention to who is delivering the message as well.  God uses people as a vessel, in this case the young men and Eddie Long can both be seen as messengers. Perhaps this story will bring about greater revelations about what takes place at this particular church. Let's be honest, this isn't Eddie Longs first time under investigation for wrong doing at New Birth, but this one is possibly the one that will cause his demise.

This is how Cadillac Kimberly feels:

Jamal Parris speaks out

I Just Wanna Be A Kid

        What happened to the days of children running around the neighborhood, sitting on the stoop eating seeds and playing tag? Some days I wish I could be a kid know that carelessness that was evident. Not worrying about what bills to pay, working and buying gifts. LOL. All of us have been subjected to the beauty pageants on television that showcase 5-10 year olds living out their parents dreams, but what about the child? Now we all have assumed and speculated that because of the lack of childhood that Michael Jackson was subject to, he turned out to be a little touched. By touched I mean, sleeping in the bed with young boys, having an amusement park/safari in his backyard (you know things that some of you say you wouldn't do).  Can you imagine growing up and not being able to talk to children your age, participate in the neighborhood double dutch tournament or running home to watch your favorite cartoon before homework time. I can't
       Something has to be said about these parents who never had the opportunity to live their life so they instill that career in the child at a young age. Children are being robbed of their innocence and forced to live in a world that can be very cruel to them. Once these children become adults what happens to them? They start realizing that they have some catching up to do, something is missing. There is a void that hasn't been filled, but they turn to others because then they will be judged. The same people who placed them on this pedestal will not waste one second at condemning them for wanting something they never had. Britney Spears is a prime example of youth in Hollywood gone bad. Started out in the Mickey Mouse club ending up driving with her son in her lap and no seatbelt on. I mean really, these people need mental help! There should be some program that follows children who are thrown into the limelight and have to deal with the harsh reality of maturing in the "real" world.
       Then there is Willow Smith who recently released her new single Whip My Hair. C'mon son. Willow is nine years old, and I have a hard time believing she told her parents she wanted to remake that song. Remember Macauley Culkin? Watch that video and you will see that Birds of A Feather truly Flock Together! Why do some parents rush their children to be great instead of just letting them live? But who are we to judge...

Friday, September 17, 2010

I'm Just Saying Chronicles

A friend of mine tagged me in this note on Facebook and I thought I would share. Besides don't we all wonder these same things?

. Why should anyone give a TWO week notice when they don't give you TWO weeks when they fire you? I'm just saying...

2. Why would you distribute products that give a disclaimer that it has been linked to giving people in California Cancer? I'm just saying...

3. Why would you tell a female to Google you and the list of jails you've been in comes up? I'm just saying...

4. Why pour filtered water over unfiltered ice? I'm just saying...

5. Why drive on 'Parkways' and park on 'Driveways'....I'm just saying

6. (The greatest wonder to me thanks to my Comp) Why is 'W' double U and not double V? I'm just saying

7. When is it okay to talk to people any old kind of way!? I'm just saying

8. Why call an apartment complex and ask them, "Eh, ya'll got some apartments?" WTF...I'm just saying.

9. Why is that if it's on FB then it MUST be true! I'm just saying...

10. Who said it takes 8 hours of my life each day to work to keep someone elses dream alive? I'm just saying....

Thanks Adelia!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Your (Inner) Circle

Some statements from Willie Taylor that I know someone needs to hear

Each friend in your life has a purpose. Some friends are temporary, others are for a lifetime. When God takes you to another level some of those friends (short/long term) can't go. It just isn't their turn. If I am flying and you are walking then there is a problem. Birds of a feather flock together!!! Not saying you totally forgot that person, but don't allow their immaturity to stunt your growth! <----- previously said by millions of people before but well put together!

A Moment in Time: September 15, 1963

September 15, 1963. "It could have been a regular day in the life of Americans everywhere.  Instead it became a day that would change their lives without mercy". Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley and Addie Mae Collins were four innocent children attending Sunday school when a bomb went off at 10 in the morning and the lives that awaited them were destroyed. Why would anyone want to bomb a church of all places? Sad to say this wouldn't be the first church bombing or the last, but why?
     There has to be something deeply rooted in the souls of these individuals that causes them to destroy the foundation and mutual ground between man and God.  The church serves as a place of not only spiritual renewal, but during that era is was also the base of operations for tired African Americans. Those who had to sit at the back of the bus, enter through the rear just to see a film, drinking from "colored" water fountains and explaining to their children why they couldn't eat at lunch counters.
       You see the church became just more than fellowship and praise, rather than sit at home and complain people would go to church and worship, get all of their worries out. Beyond going solely to hear the word, tithe, communion and enjoy the rest of the day, some even organized in churches and would gather with extended family in the "sanctuary".  The day of the bombing was a special day called Young Day and it was filled to capacity. More than 400 people were inside and 80 of those were children The bombing came at a time when desgregation in schools began to rise and many speculated that was the reason for the act. The bomb was set to explode in an empty basement, however the wall blew out near a room filled with children.
         The Civil Rights Era in America has to be one of the worst times in history. Main reason being it is the only recorded time of devastation and cruelty that has happened on American soil. Human beings were losing their lives based on the color of their skin. What did these four girls do to anyone that would have caused retaliation on this level? How can people hate an entire group based on what they look like, who have done nothing to harm or endanger those around them...where do these ignorant attitudes stem from? I only pray that whatever the future holds we do not repeat history and can learn to love one another [irregardless] of what they look like. Besides doesn't America preach freedom...
        "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain uninalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...."

Civil Rights: A Dark Day

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sleeping With Our Eyes Open

How is it that the words to this song still remain relevant? This song was written and released over 30 years ago and yet we still find ourselves in the same situation. When will it be time to wake up...hopefully before it is too late

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why Do We Need Religion if We Believe in God?

Is this really what it's coming to? A Qur'an burning day? I feel stupid for even giving this man energy by talking about it. Terry Jones pastor of Dove World Outreach Center is holding a Qur'an burning day on 9-11. Supposedly it's apart of his plan to continue his fight against Islam. What about the troops in Afghanistan whose lives will be at risk because of this idiots actions? If he is a "Christian" then what part of his religion talks about burning books and inflicting ignorant views on other people?

Is there nothing that can be done to stop his foolishness? Secretary of State Hilary Clinton advises Jones not to continue on with his act because it is disrespectful and disgraceful, but is that all. You mean to tell me the United States of America will allow this ignorant individual to blatantly anger the Islamic community? Doesn't that spell out W A R on American soil?

"If this occurs then it is ANOTHER fire that you should truly be concerned about"   - Lupe Fiasco

Here's the article

Monday, September 6, 2010

Interesting article...Very interesting

Ten Things I Don't Understand About Black People

*Sighs* When will this end? The comments may even be a little worse than the actual column.

Female MC's: What happened to them

Everyone give a round of applause to BET for finally showing something worth watching!!! My Mic Sounds Nice: A Truth About Women and Hip Hop is BET's first original documentary and takes a lot at the origin of female rappers and the progress they have made. Rather than focus on the negative aspect that the ladies have taken on, the documentary looked at each individual artist and focused on the future of hip hop.

Artists like MC Lyte, Queen Latifah, Yo Yo and Roxanne Shante have paved the way for Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliot, Lil Kim and even Lauryn Hill.  But what have these new artists learned? The documentary even looks at the sexualization of female MC's and what it takes to succeed in the rap game. However, I would have preferred to see the transition that has taken place between then and now. Meaning female MCs in the 90's were not using sex to sell their records nor were their songs filled with sexually explicit lyrics. Take a look at Queen Latifah for example. One of her #1 records is U-N-I-T-Y, the verse alone talks about women being disrespected and called a "bitch". The second verse goes into domestic abuse and learning to walk away from that relationship. That song had such a powerful message and solidified Latifah's position in the game.

Ice Cube was interviewed for the documentary and he said "Females need to focus more on rapping. When they start focus too much on their image, they fall off". Couldn't have said it better. Females constantly complain about the way men treat them or how they are viewed, but what type of image are they portraying? How do we go from MC Lyte to Lil Kim...where did we lose focus in the music and started worrying sex? Take a really close look at the way in which female artists dress now. Lady Gaga goes out the house half naked each time and people love it. Do you even care what she is talking about or are we too caught up in her outfit?

To me being an MC goes beyond rapping and selling albums. You want to paint a story, become an artist and deliver words of knowledge to the masses. Now I may be wrong but music USED to do that and more. Now all they wanna do is kill, sell drugs and rap about how big their chests are (females). One female artist that tried to bring the true essence of being an artist is Lauryn Hill. Lauryn Hill infused rapping, singing and beauty into music. She wasn't talking about walking around naked or how she can make a sprite can disappear in her mouth (Lil Kim). Her lyrics were more like:

Now, now how come your talk turn cold
Gained the whole world for the price of your soul
Tryin' to grab hold of what you can't control
Now you're all floss, what a sight to behold
Wisdom is better than silver and gold
I was hopeless now I'm on Hope road
Every man want to act like he's exempt
When him need to get down on his knees and repent
Can't slick talk on the day of judgment
Your movement's similar to a serpent
Tried to play straight, how your whole style bent?
Consequence is no coincidence
Hypocrites always want to play innocent
Always want to take it to the full out extent
Always want to make it seem like good intent
Never want to face it when it's time for punishment
I know that you don't wanna hear my opinion
But there come many paths and you must choose one
And if you don't change then the rain soon come
See you might win some but you just lost one

Now look at Lil Kim lyrics...tell me we aren't lost:
The moral of the story is this
You aint lickin' this, you aint stickin' this
And I got witnesses, ask any nigga I been with
They aint hit shit till they stuck they tongue in this
I aint with that frontin' shit
I got my own Benz, I got my own ends, immediate friends
Me and my girls rock worlds, some big niggas
Fuck for car keys, and double digit figures
Good dick I cherish, I could be blunt
I treat it like it's precious, I aint gonna front
For limp dick niggas, that's frontin' like they willy
Suck my pussy till they kill me, you feel me?

Where is this generation of future female MC's headed and can we recover from the explicit lyrics to move back into that period of consciousness and upliftment. Besides isn't that what music is for? If I wanted to be hear about your bedroom skills I would watch a porno. And if I cared about you being the baddest bitch (Trina) I would watch Cat Woman. Thanks but no thanks. Get back to the true nature, the origin then talk to me about what you have accomplished. Until then UPS IS HIRING!

What happens when we DESTROY? #1

What does it mean to destroy something? To put an end to, extinguish; to kill or slay.

How many times have we watched things/people around us being destroyed? Whether it be through media, institutionalized acts or by word of mouth, destruction is happening all around us. Often we notice the destruction taking place but never say anything or we say (hey!) it's not happening to me. People across the globe have faced destruction and no one to speak out for them and say it is finally time to REBUILD.

How have people in urban communities been destroyed?

1. Language

2. Housing

3. Education

4. Media coverage

How has language destroyed us? What type of language do we use when we talk to each other?Which words do we use when describing other races? Think about it...and no Ebonics doesn't count. What is one way to confuse a people and have them lost forever? Take away their native language and you take away their culture. How do we refer to one another...negative terms have become so acceptable today we don't know what's right anymore. This new generation that continues to produce children at even younger ages no longer show the same level of respect when talking to their children. People of every race continuously tear each other down with the way we communicate.

In the previous paragraph I said native language. Let's elaborate on that. Native language meaning not only the language that is true to your culture but what brings your community together. Too often we get caught up in the stereotypical destruction placed upon us that we try to become something we are not. Language has been destroyed so much that often people are accused of trying to speak proper, or talking like a certain people. How do those people talk and why is that the standard?

One of the more serious points when describing the destruction of language is the family structure. It's saddening to see a mother use foul language and talk reckless in front of her child. The most frightening part about that is the child will grow up thinking it is acceptable to speak to others that way. Then the child will be labeled because the words they use will place them in a box. Ebonics can also be considered as a part of the language in urban places that has been destroyed. Some frown upon the mention of Ebonics as an official language but I see no problem with it. Ebonics speaks to the formation of the African person in America. Stripped of everything so you are forced to create your own language and culture.

Unfortunately the language we have used has contributed to the downfall of such great people. We call each other bitches and niggas. Not to mention how we ridicule other races and stereotype them by the language in which they speak.Why is that acceptable? And for those that say I don't say things to be mean, then you are apart of the problem as well. Let's stop disassociating ourselves and start to participate and act as one unit to move forward.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Never Let Me Down

Read the lyrics carefully. Very Inspiring. I love this verse particularly. When it comes to being true at least true to thing I found one thing I found I know you'll never let me down. Imagine if we all felt this way, imagine what we could be. Imagine.

"We are all here for a reason on a particular path
You don't need a curriculum to know that you are part of the math
Cats think I'm delirious, but I'm so damn serious
That's why I expose my soul to the globe, the world
I'm trying to make it better for these little boys and girls
I'm not just another individual, my spirit is a part of this
That's why I get spiritual, but I get my hymns from Him
So it's not me, it's He that's lyrical
I'm not a miracle, I'm a heaven-sent instrument
My rhythmatic regimen navigates melodic notes for your soul and your mental
That's why I'm instrumental
Vibrations is what I'm into
Yeah, I need my loot by rent day
But that is not what gives me the heart of Kunte Kinte
I'm tryina give us "us free" like Cinque
I can't stop, that's why I'm hot
Determination, dedication, motivation
I'm talking to you, my many inspirations
When I say I can't, let you or self down
If I were of the highest cliff, on the highest riff
And you slipped off the side and clinched on to your life in my grip
I would never, ever let you down
And when these words are found
Let it been known that God's penmanship has been signed with a language called love
That's why my breath is felt by the deaf
And why my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind
I, too, dream in color and in rhyme
So I guess I'm one of a kind in a full house
Cuz whenever I open my heart, my soul, or my mouth
A touch of God reigns out"

-J. Ivy

Here is the song if you would like to listen: Kanye West - Never Let Me Down

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is It Friday Yet?

For those of you waiting until Friday comes...
Sometimes I think people go to work on Friday just to countdown to 5:00 so they can clock out!
The work week has been long and stressful. Co-workers have pushed you to that point of (well you know what they did). Just a couple of songs to make you push a little harder and think of better days to come...

Yolanda Adams - Still I Rise

Sounds of Blackness - Hold On (Change Is Coming)

And finally Friday arrives listen to this and smile for the rest of the day!

The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited

Higher Learning

I am starting to read more and more and always looking for mind stimulating books that will allow me to expand on my level of knowledge and continue to share with others. If enough of people are interested there may be a book club in the works...
Here are some recent books that I have read:

Nell Irvin Painter: The History of White People I am currently reading this one and will have a summary when I am done. So far so good.

Beverly Daniel Tatum: "Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in The Cafeteria". This book explains the beginning stages of racial identity and breaks down the differences in racial terms.

August Meier and Elliot Rudwick: From Plantation to Ghetto . JUST READ IT

T.I. vs. Paris Hilton

T.I. and Tiny were arrested in L.A. last night for possession (of what). Paris Hilton was arrested for possesion of cocaine. T.I. was recently released from prison serving time for being a convicted felon and was arrested on Federal weapon charges. Despite the fact that he vowed to be a changed person and determined to do something positive with the second chance that God gave him, he apparently had a change of heart.

Several news stories are adding details as the hours go by but no one knows the specific details about why he and Tiny were arrested. But then again, should anyway care? Once you change your lifestyle and elevate out of your current negative condition your frame of mind has to also change. You can no longer engage in those same "hood/ghetto" activities and expected to be looked at as a role model. It is similar to the OJ Simpson case. OJ was acquitted of all charges in two murder cases and ends up finally going to jail for being a thief. How stupid must one be? T.I. did a little less than a year for a Federal offense but may end up doing more time for pills that resembled ecstasy.

Back to the issue at hand. Why is that when a person of color commits a crime the sentence they receive is much harsher than their peach counterparts. Isn't cocaine a much harder drug than ecstasy? Something isn't right about this judicial system. Since when do we give a pass for cocaine? How much POWER does one need to have to get away with certain crimes? Not to mention once the news gets involved it will turn into an even bigger fiasco taking away from more important issues like what's going on in Pakistan. Sometimes you have to be smart enough to know that once you've "made a mistake" people will look for you to slip up again. Especially being a rapper with a troubled past.
Stop giving the masses a reason to doubt your full and honest potential. Be better than you once were and really learn from your mistakes. Now Paris Hilton on the other hand, smh but it seems as if she will get away with whatever. Look at Lindsay Lohan. But if you choose to be a robot and follow the crowd then you would only be concerned with him having the drug instead of the turnout.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Music Tuesday!!

Monster!!!!!!! I love when my inbox is filled with great music, it's a sign for a good week ahead! As he promised Kanye West has dropped another new single, and it features Jay-Z and that girl Nicki Minaj. I am not a Minaj fan but her delivery on this track is ridiculous. It seems like all three artists are taking shots at those who have declared beef with them and I LOVE IT! Lol, great beat + 2 1/2 decent artists = good music.

Kanye West f. Jay-Z & Nicki Minaj - Monster

Jazmine Sullivan teamed up with Mary J. Blige and Swizz to deliver the Holding You Down remix. The original was already crazy and now that Mary is on it, it makes it bananas!

Jazmine Sullivan f. Mary J. & Swizz - Holding You Down (remix)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Love this..

What are you going to do?
When you can't rap, sing or dance any more
When you hurt yourself and can't play sports anymore
When your parents stop taking care of you
When your life-style plays out and you have nowhere to go
All this can be taken from you, BUT EDUCATION LASTS FOREVER
Trust yourself, Don't cheat yourself
Your feature depends on it

Destroy & Rebuild: 5 Yrs and 7mths Later Pt. 1

It has been 5 yrs since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf and left a nationwide devastation. Seven months ago Port Au Prince, Haiti suffered a 7.0 magnitude earthquake and spawned a massive out pour of suplies and money from neighboring countries. Throughout the next 3 months I will travel to New Orleans and Haiti to particiapte in several clean-up and rebuilding missions. These trips will be documented and the similarities between the two catastrophies will be highlighted and what can be done to move forward.

The residents of New Orleans were called refugees. How would you feel if everything you had was destroyed and the news portrayed you as a savage helplessly looking for salvation? On the actual day that Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans there were thousands of residents still in the city. Why? Because this isn't the first time they were threatened with the reality of losing everything they had and having to rebuild. However this time proved to be something different. Not only did the Katrina cause devastation but the breaking of levees is what really killed the lower 9th ward and other districts in the city. Many people say that the levees were blown up or that it was due to faulty contruction, but does that mean that an entire city is left to die because of carelessness?

"George Bush doesn't care about black people" - K.West

Four years ago, I traveled with a group of students from the Atlanta University Center to New Orleans to participate in a Hurricane Relief Trip. The people we spoke with and the sights we saw will never be able to be placed in words. I must say this that trip is what inspired me to continue on with the mission of helping others and trying to elevate the minds of people of color. Katrina took place August 2005 and we were there in October say that it looked like it happened yesterday is an understatement. There were houses with dead bodies still inside that haven't been accounted for. Several blocks were empthy which dozens of house once stood. How can this happen in America where we run to help other countries but not the ones on our own soil...

Take a look at these pics from the trip

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Always Win No Matter What

So I'll never give up, never give in, never let a ray of doubt slip in
And if I fall I'll never fail, I'll just get up and try again
Never lose hope, never lose faith...
There's much to much at stake, upon myself I must depend
I'm not looking for place to show I'M GONNA WIN

Destroy & Rebuild...coming soon!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Day of Reflection

I've been sick the past 24 hrs but I took the time to reflect on what's going on in the surrounding communities and worldwide. August 25 marks two tragic anniversaries. One being the death of Aaliyah Dana Haughton and the 5th year since Hurricane Katrina (25-29) struck the Gulf Coast. Aaliyah touched many young girls worldwide with her music and wonderful personality. I don't think Cassie and Rihanna would be relevant if Aaliyah was still around. They can't sing worth a lick!!!! She was involved in fatal plane crash that claimed the lives of 8 others, may their souls be at peace and their legacy continue to live on.

Over the course of these next two months I will partake in a project entitled Destroy & Rebuild. HAVOC will visit New Orleans, LA to partake in community service cleanup or whatever else that needs to be done. The Destroy and Rebuild project will also host a couple of inner community events in the Atlanta area in October. With the way the world is everything has been destroyed to some measure and now it is time to rebuild and renew the faith that we once had. Please keep checking back and stay tuned for more details about the series...!

Lord willing and the creek don't rise...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Game Over!!!

Well I can't stop laughing when I see this man freestyle, pure comedy! He shut the game down! I mean really who has the guts to even stand in front of anyone and put on an act...just flawless. He can be added to 50 Tyson, and Antoine Dodson as up and coming artists. As a matter of fact he should be signed to the same label as Gucci Mane, Waka Flocka and Soulja Boy :-)

I Believe the Children are our Future

"I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they posses inside"
Give them a sense of pride...." - W. Houston

There has to be a memo that is going around that I am not aware of. It's a notice to all parents telling them that is beyond appropriate to record your child reciting derogatory lyrics while singing along with them. Or how about asking them what they saw/heard when mommy and daddy were having sex! What type of society do we live in when you can upload these videos and think that it's comical. At what age do we become parents and not foolish individuals.

"Everybodys searching for a hero, people need someone to look up to"

How can we blame an entire generation for their downfall and the way society has panned out when the previous elders of the community has done nothing to help them. If it takes a village to raise a child, which village do these parents live in and where are the rest of the residents? We can not continue to complain and constantly remain. Who will these children model after and what affect will it have for years to come?
Check out this video of a parent and her 3 yr old reciting Nicki Minaj
And this father encouraging his child to explain what happened during sex: