Friday, October 1, 2010

When is Enough Enough?

        So cyber bullying is the new form of making someone feel less of a person now huh? Cyber Bullying = virtual teasing...basically a new way for immature humans to feel better about themselves. I really wish the roles were reversed with bullies and they can see the hurt they cause and the lives that are damaged. What makes one person greater than the next...nothing. However, some of those who do the teasing have been teased in their life as well. So it seems as if the cycle continues. What bothers me the most about bullying is that the issue isn't tackled the way it should be. I am not the queen of statistics so I can't tell you off hand the number of children that have either injured themselves or committed suicide but I do know anything over 0% is unacceptable.
        The issue of teasing/bullying should be discussed regularly in schools nationwide. Not only when something happens and brings national attention, but because it is not right. Sure children mean no harm but what about their words? Everyone knows that children are a whole lot smarter than what we give them credit for and therefore they know what comes out of their mouth. Why don't we hold them to a higher level of responsibility when they are younger so when they become adults NOTHING WILL SURPRISE THEM.
        Sad to say those who bully are not limited to "school-aged" children. In recent news of cyber bullying a Rutgers University college student jumped off the GW Bridge (committed suicide) because his roommate recorded him and another man making out. Why would anyone stoop so low to cause this to happen. Is your roommates sexual preference any of your business and why did you feel to make it known to everyone. I expect for the young man to put on the best act that he knows how and say that he didn't mean to do it and was only playing. Well then that should be told to all of the other young people who have taken their life because the bully was only playing. When will we learn to stop being cruel and become individuals who care about one another. When will bullying go to far and something be done on a national level. Words hurt regardless of what anyone says.

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