Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Won't Complain

33 Miners. 69 Days. Underground. Barely visible light. 7 oz of water a day. Stuck underground. No family. Everyday necessities no longer become important. All that matters is the time they had and the faith they held onto. I (we) shall no longer complain about small things. They may even seem big at the time but we should always say "this situation is only temporary". It's sad that we only realize the value of something once we witness it being taken away or someone else suffering. We should not have to go through pain to appreciate joy. Appreciate your life and take nothing for granted. Not even the sheets on your bed let alone the bed. Everything is a blessing and we should treat it as such. Just remember the shoe can always be on the other foot. I forgot to mention the rescue of the 33 miners started around October 12 @ 11 pm and it is currently 5:17 pm, 27 miners have been rescued. Six more to go.

"I was with God and I was with the Devil. But God won. I held onto Gods hand and I knew that he would get me out of there". - taken from one of the miners during his interview.

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