Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Destroy/Rebuild: AUC Unity

      The Atlanta University Center also known as the AUC is the largest consortium of Historically Black Colleges and University (haha) in the nation. Schools included are Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, Spelman College, Morehouse School of Medicine and Morris Brown College. Unfortunately Morris Brown better known as Mo B lost their accreditation in the Fall of 2002 and has suffered tremendously since. The sad part about Morris Brown is they were immediately shunned from the AUC and the United Negro College Fund terminated its support as well. In times of need HBCU's should stick together and not back away from the problem. Morris Brown has a rich history and is the only HBCU that was founded by former slaves affiliated with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. As a graduate of Clark Atlanta University it is disgraceful to know that we are not helping our fellow AUC institution member.
       This question automatically pops into my head: With all the "rich" African Americans living in the Atlanta area why can't they donate money to help the cause? If we are serious about restoring the legacy of HBCU's and keeping them relevant then we should start with one that was founded by our ancestors and one that is struggling greatly. Morehouse and Spelman alone receive enough grants and donations to give abundantly to Morris Brown. Why does this school continue to struggle when there are plenty of people/institutions that can give back? Currently the school has a $22 million long term debt that needs to be taken care of a $5 short term debt. The school has reached out to alumni, churches and other suppoorters to raise $40,000 toward the overdue bill. In March of 2009 students, teachers and alumni took to the street and phones to raise $150,000 to prevent water services from being cut off.
       Unfortunately Morris Brown isn't the only school that has lost their accreditation and are trying to rebuild. Schools such as FAMU and Texas Southern University were placed under probation in the past two years due to finacial issues. The inevitable question has been raised...Are HBCU's still relevant?

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