Monday, September 6, 2010

What happens when we DESTROY? #1

What does it mean to destroy something? To put an end to, extinguish; to kill or slay.

How many times have we watched things/people around us being destroyed? Whether it be through media, institutionalized acts or by word of mouth, destruction is happening all around us. Often we notice the destruction taking place but never say anything or we say (hey!) it's not happening to me. People across the globe have faced destruction and no one to speak out for them and say it is finally time to REBUILD.

How have people in urban communities been destroyed?

1. Language

2. Housing

3. Education

4. Media coverage

How has language destroyed us? What type of language do we use when we talk to each other?Which words do we use when describing other races? Think about it...and no Ebonics doesn't count. What is one way to confuse a people and have them lost forever? Take away their native language and you take away their culture. How do we refer to one another...negative terms have become so acceptable today we don't know what's right anymore. This new generation that continues to produce children at even younger ages no longer show the same level of respect when talking to their children. People of every race continuously tear each other down with the way we communicate.

In the previous paragraph I said native language. Let's elaborate on that. Native language meaning not only the language that is true to your culture but what brings your community together. Too often we get caught up in the stereotypical destruction placed upon us that we try to become something we are not. Language has been destroyed so much that often people are accused of trying to speak proper, or talking like a certain people. How do those people talk and why is that the standard?

One of the more serious points when describing the destruction of language is the family structure. It's saddening to see a mother use foul language and talk reckless in front of her child. The most frightening part about that is the child will grow up thinking it is acceptable to speak to others that way. Then the child will be labeled because the words they use will place them in a box. Ebonics can also be considered as a part of the language in urban places that has been destroyed. Some frown upon the mention of Ebonics as an official language but I see no problem with it. Ebonics speaks to the formation of the African person in America. Stripped of everything so you are forced to create your own language and culture.

Unfortunately the language we have used has contributed to the downfall of such great people. We call each other bitches and niggas. Not to mention how we ridicule other races and stereotype them by the language in which they speak.Why is that acceptable? And for those that say I don't say things to be mean, then you are apart of the problem as well. Let's stop disassociating ourselves and start to participate and act as one unit to move forward.

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