Monday, October 18, 2010

I Love My Hair! How About You?

Cute video with a positive message for young African American girls. Shout out to Sesame Street for airing the video. The song was written by Joey Mazzarino, who happens to be the head write of Sesame Street and adoptive parent to a 5 year old Ethiopian daughter Segi. During an interview for NPR Mazzarino told Melissa Block that he witnessed his daughter playing with a doll and "she wanted to have long blond hair and straight hair, and she wanted to be able to bounce it around."

It isn't often that young girls get positive reinforcement for their natural dark and kinky hair and the various ways they style them. Hopefully parents will share this video with their children and continue to encourage love for the way their hair is. Remember the time when Just For Me perm commercials would air every hour, to remind you that your hair wasn't straight enough and the perm would do wonders? Ha! Silly I tell ya just silly! Now that I think about it, those youth relaxer commercials were nothing but foolish. Why couldn't we rock our "nappy" hair if we wanted to? Why must we be brainwashed and pressured into getting a relaxer at such a young age. . . the more I think about it the more it makes me mad. Well peep the cute muppet baby video below!

I Love My Hair:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Won't Complain

33 Miners. 69 Days. Underground. Barely visible light. 7 oz of water a day. Stuck underground. No family. Everyday necessities no longer become important. All that matters is the time they had and the faith they held onto. I (we) shall no longer complain about small things. They may even seem big at the time but we should always say "this situation is only temporary". It's sad that we only realize the value of something once we witness it being taken away or someone else suffering. We should not have to go through pain to appreciate joy. Appreciate your life and take nothing for granted. Not even the sheets on your bed let alone the bed. Everything is a blessing and we should treat it as such. Just remember the shoe can always be on the other foot. I forgot to mention the rescue of the 33 miners started around October 12 @ 11 pm and it is currently 5:17 pm, 27 miners have been rescued. Six more to go.

"I was with God and I was with the Devil. But God won. I held onto Gods hand and I knew that he would get me out of there". - taken from one of the miners during his interview.

Breast Cancer Awareness 365

Support Breast Cancer Awareness 365 days instead of 31!!! Breast Cancer has claimed an estimated 39,000 lives in 2010 and 207,000 new cases have been found. This disease claims the lives of so many of our loved ones, old and young alike. It does not have to be passed down through generations for a person to get it either, you can be the first person in your family to carry the cancer. Let us all get checked out regularly and remember to inform other of the dangers of Breast Cancer. It not only affects women but men as well. Lets grow together in knowledge and love. I created a t-shirt to support and also raise awareness about Breast Cancer. Show your support as well and tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend. All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society. Here is the website to purchase the shirt <----- please continue to support the cause and raise AWARENESS

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rethinking Columbus Day

Everyone knows that Christopher Columbus didn't discover America...he simply stumbled upon land that was already claimed. I found some videos that take a different approach to rethinking Columbus Day. I must say the fifth graders did a excellent job as to examining and presenting the problem.

Reconsider Columbus day is a movement by Nu Heights Cinema to inform and educate as to why we shouldn't celebrate the holiday. Let's celebrate the people who were here vs the man who slaughtered!

Dear Mama

This video surfaced a few years ago but I find myself falling in love with his message all over again. For those who are single mothers the message that is in the song is beautiful, reassuring even for a second of better days to come.

Check Bently out on Ellen

A Long Time Coming?

I've had my say with this issue. It's a very selective issue for Morehouse as far as rules are being enforced. Are there not more important things to worry about or have we swept this under the rug in the African American community and now it's time to deal with it?

Mean Girls of Morehouse: The Plastics speak up!

Morehouse President responds ... As if this will get the same amount of attention as the cause

Finally another side that I tend to understand as well, however it doesn't erase the problem:
There's TRUTH in it

Peep My Chi: Lupe Fiasco

We will not compromise who we are to be accepted by the crowd...
So I haven't done a post in awhile but so much has been going on where do I begin? Agh yes Those great people at Atlanta Records has decided to release the LASERS project from Lupe Fiasco!!! This explains what all the fuss was about...

I love this manifesto! Truth in every word.

The L.A.S.E.R. Manifesto
To every man, woman and child

1.  We Want An End to the Glamorization of Negativity in The Media.
2.  We Want An End to Status Symbols Dictating Our Worth As Individuals.
3.  We Want A Meaningful and Universal Educational System
4.  We Want Substance in The Place of Popularity.
5.  We Will Not Compromise Who We Are to Be Accepted by The Crowd.
Continue reading

Don't we all want to see a change in the rotation of music that's being played on the radio, videos that appear on 106&Park and artists that we allow to influence the future generation?!?! I remember there was a time when a song such as No Hands would only get airtime on BET's Uncut now people all over are screaming DO IT WITH NO HANDS.  There is a time and place for everything yes and of course the strippers do need something to dance to, that is fine. However, leave the strip club music in the strip club. Yes I too listen to these exact same songs, but was shocked when I asked some friends the question "What exactly are you doing with no hands"? No one responded yet you can ride around all day saying you want to do it with no hands. Girl, bye! Granted some may not want to put their business out there but then don't openly sing suggestive lyrics to songs that you know nothing about.

Songs like He Say She Say and I'm Beaming immediately set Lupe Fiasco aside from the so called gangster rappers. He Say She Say chronicles the relationship between an absent father, single mom and their son. Without saying too much the song sums up the life of most African American boys without their father and the role that the mother is forced to play.
Here is I'm Beamin:

Friday, October 1, 2010

When is Enough Enough?

        So cyber bullying is the new form of making someone feel less of a person now huh? Cyber Bullying = virtual teasing...basically a new way for immature humans to feel better about themselves. I really wish the roles were reversed with bullies and they can see the hurt they cause and the lives that are damaged. What makes one person greater than the next...nothing. However, some of those who do the teasing have been teased in their life as well. So it seems as if the cycle continues. What bothers me the most about bullying is that the issue isn't tackled the way it should be. I am not the queen of statistics so I can't tell you off hand the number of children that have either injured themselves or committed suicide but I do know anything over 0% is unacceptable.
        The issue of teasing/bullying should be discussed regularly in schools nationwide. Not only when something happens and brings national attention, but because it is not right. Sure children mean no harm but what about their words? Everyone knows that children are a whole lot smarter than what we give them credit for and therefore they know what comes out of their mouth. Why don't we hold them to a higher level of responsibility when they are younger so when they become adults NOTHING WILL SURPRISE THEM.
        Sad to say those who bully are not limited to "school-aged" children. In recent news of cyber bullying a Rutgers University college student jumped off the GW Bridge (committed suicide) because his roommate recorded him and another man making out. Why would anyone stoop so low to cause this to happen. Is your roommates sexual preference any of your business and why did you feel to make it known to everyone. I expect for the young man to put on the best act that he knows how and say that he didn't mean to do it and was only playing. Well then that should be told to all of the other young people who have taken their life because the bully was only playing. When will we learn to stop being cruel and become individuals who care about one another. When will bullying go to far and something be done on a national level. Words hurt regardless of what anyone says.