Tuesday, August 17, 2010

20 Questions

1. Why do people drive with their top down and ALL the windows up?

2. Why do you update your status and then get mad when someone comments?

3. What is the purpose of wearing thong sandals and socks?

4. Why isn't the President required to have any form of higher education but to become a manager at McDonalds you need to have a bachelors degree?

5. Why are you posing next to an expensive car that isn't yours? (everyone knows you don't own it)

6. When did the word "bitch" become a term of endearment?

7. If everyone has haters who is doing the hating?

8. Why is it that CEO's, Presidents, and Directors of companies get bonuses when employees are getting layed-off and worse the company is failing?

9. Why is it okay to demonize a man for spousal abuse but not a woman?

10. Why is spanking considered child abuse but neglect and isolation are promoted?

11. Why is it that cigarettes which have a proven record of killing people and causing cancer to those who smoke and those around them is legal and weed which has no record of killing or causing serious damage to anyone but is iligeal? Coincidently weed helps to treat epilepsy, glaucoma, and other illnesses.

12. Why is it that housewives who don't work are famous and receive checks for not working while teachers, policemen, firemen, and social workers are being layed off?

13. Why is it singers don't have to sing to be successful? Ex. Rihanna, Britney Spears, Cassie, and many more. (Ashanti)

14. Why is it that songs now have 1:00 minute of verse and 2:00 to 3:00 minutes of chorus?

15. Why do food and beverage vendors throw out tons of edible food, retailers destroy millions of dollars of clothes when styles go out of fashion, and property owners board up thousands of homes when there are millions more hungry and homeless people everywhere?

16. Why is it that Part-Time employees work more hours then Full-Time?

17. When did rappers start glorifying drugs, gangs and violence instead of uplifting the community?

18. What's taking Spike Lee and John Singleton so long to release another film?

19. How old is Lil Mama?

20. Why didn't Whoopi Goldberg have on make-up when she played the part of Celie? Celie had a reputation of being ugly and they just used Whoopi's plain ol face!

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