Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Music Tuesday!!

Monster!!!!!!! I love when my inbox is filled with great music, it's a sign for a good week ahead! As he promised Kanye West has dropped another new single, and it features Jay-Z and that girl Nicki Minaj. I am not a Minaj fan but her delivery on this track is ridiculous. It seems like all three artists are taking shots at those who have declared beef with them and I LOVE IT! Lol, great beat + 2 1/2 decent artists = good music.

Kanye West f. Jay-Z & Nicki Minaj - Monster

Jazmine Sullivan teamed up with Mary J. Blige and Swizz to deliver the Holding You Down remix. The original was already crazy and now that Mary is on it, it makes it bananas!

Jazmine Sullivan f. Mary J. & Swizz - Holding You Down (remix)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Love this..

What are you going to do?
When you can't rap, sing or dance any more
When you hurt yourself and can't play sports anymore
When your parents stop taking care of you
When your life-style plays out and you have nowhere to go
All this can be taken from you, BUT EDUCATION LASTS FOREVER
Trust yourself, Don't cheat yourself
Your feature depends on it

Destroy & Rebuild: 5 Yrs and 7mths Later Pt. 1

It has been 5 yrs since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf and left a nationwide devastation. Seven months ago Port Au Prince, Haiti suffered a 7.0 magnitude earthquake and spawned a massive out pour of suplies and money from neighboring countries. Throughout the next 3 months I will travel to New Orleans and Haiti to particiapte in several clean-up and rebuilding missions. These trips will be documented and the similarities between the two catastrophies will be highlighted and what can be done to move forward.

The residents of New Orleans were called refugees. How would you feel if everything you had was destroyed and the news portrayed you as a savage helplessly looking for salvation? On the actual day that Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans there were thousands of residents still in the city. Why? Because this isn't the first time they were threatened with the reality of losing everything they had and having to rebuild. However this time proved to be something different. Not only did the Katrina cause devastation but the breaking of levees is what really killed the lower 9th ward and other districts in the city. Many people say that the levees were blown up or that it was due to faulty contruction, but does that mean that an entire city is left to die because of carelessness?

"George Bush doesn't care about black people" - K.West

Four years ago, I traveled with a group of students from the Atlanta University Center to New Orleans to participate in a Hurricane Relief Trip. The people we spoke with and the sights we saw will never be able to be placed in words. I must say this that trip is what inspired me to continue on with the mission of helping others and trying to elevate the minds of people of color. Katrina took place August 2005 and we were there in October 2006...to say that it looked like it happened yesterday is an understatement. There were houses with dead bodies still inside that haven't been accounted for. Several blocks were empthy which dozens of house once stood. How can this happen in America where we run to help other countries but not the ones on our own soil...

Take a look at these pics from the trip

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Always Win No Matter What

So I'll never give up, never give in, never let a ray of doubt slip in
And if I fall I'll never fail, I'll just get up and try again
Never lose hope, never lose faith...
There's much to much at stake, upon myself I must depend
I'm not looking for place to show I'M GONNA WIN

Destroy & Rebuild...coming soon!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Day of Reflection

I've been sick the past 24 hrs but I took the time to reflect on what's going on in the surrounding communities and worldwide. August 25 marks two tragic anniversaries. One being the death of Aaliyah Dana Haughton and the 5th year since Hurricane Katrina (25-29) struck the Gulf Coast. Aaliyah touched many young girls worldwide with her music and wonderful personality. I don't think Cassie and Rihanna would be relevant if Aaliyah was still around. They can't sing worth a lick!!!! She was involved in fatal plane crash that claimed the lives of 8 others, may their souls be at peace and their legacy continue to live on.

Over the course of these next two months I will partake in a project entitled Destroy & Rebuild. HAVOC will visit New Orleans, LA to partake in community service cleanup or whatever else that needs to be done. The Destroy and Rebuild project will also host a couple of inner community events in the Atlanta area in October. With the way the world is everything has been destroyed to some measure and now it is time to rebuild and renew the faith that we once had. Please keep checking back and stay tuned for more details about the series...!

Lord willing and the creek don't rise...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Game Over!!!

Well I can't stop laughing when I see this man freestyle, pure comedy! He shut the game down! I mean really who has the guts to even stand in front of anyone and put on an act...just flawless. He can be added to 50 Tyson, and Antoine Dodson as up and coming artists. As a matter of fact he should be signed to the same label as Gucci Mane, Waka Flocka and Soulja Boy :-)

I Believe the Children are our Future

"I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they posses inside"
Give them a sense of pride...." - W. Houston

There has to be a memo that is going around that I am not aware of. It's a notice to all parents telling them that is beyond appropriate to record your child reciting derogatory lyrics while singing along with them. Or how about asking them what they saw/heard when mommy and daddy were having sex! What type of society do we live in when you can upload these videos and think that it's comical. At what age do we become parents and not foolish individuals.

"Everybodys searching for a hero, people need someone to look up to"

How can we blame an entire generation for their downfall and the way society has panned out when the previous elders of the community has done nothing to help them. If it takes a village to raise a child, which village do these parents live in and where are the rest of the residents? We can not continue to complain and constantly remain. Who will these children model after and what affect will it have for years to come?
Check out this video of a parent and her 3 yr old reciting Nicki Minaj
And this father encouraging his child to explain what happened during sex:

What village is raising these children?

Since when did it become appropriate to record your children reciting lyrics to (Rated R) rap songs while you encourage them. What's even worse is when you ask your child what they saw when mommy and daddy were having sex...We have got to do better!

Baby Nicki Minaj with her BASIC mother

Mom/Dad during sex as told by their daughter

Everyone isn't news friendly

Be careful when you knock on her door this halloween...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Inspiration

Just when you feel like giving up or your best isn't good enough...remember why you started in the first place and at that moment hold on tighter to your rope. The reward is greater at the end. It is not all in vain. Up the road is eternal gain.

Never Give Up

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is Change?

Change is constant. Inevitable. The one thing you can't run from nor stop. Are you apart of the positive change or are you still a crab in the bucket? Positivity is contagious, hope you catch it! Those who are working to make a change won't get it on the first try, but they will be planting the seeds for what's to come. The steps we take now can be compared to swinging and hitting nothing but air, but it is a start.

Tupac on CHANGE

Malcom X meets Barack Obama

Saturday, August 21, 2010 Jacqueline Clay Chester presented "A Conversation between Malcolm X and President Barack Obama." I invited several of my friends to partake in this docu-play and to our surprise it was totally different than what we expected. Without any pre-conceived notions I believed the play would be about How Obama was doing in office, racial relations and the way Malcolm views the change American has taken on. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE!

The play actually talked about the background of the two men. Focusing more on what made them into the men they are/were. Jacqueline Clay Chester said she chose to not take a political standpoint between that's not what attracts her to the two subjects. She wanted to focus more on their comparisons and significant events that shaped them into leaders. For example both Malcolm X and Barack Obama are the product of an interracial relationship. Obama and Malcolm X lost their fathers at a young age and dealy heavily with the issue of the color of their skin.

I thought it was very informative for the simple fact that not many documentaries or people place emphasis on the past that has shaped their present. Everyone knows that Malcolm X was a muslim and had a deep rooted hatred for white people. But do they analyze the reasoning behind his madness and how towards the end of their death, he and Martin Luther King Jr., had similar thoughts. Or how Barack Obama was teased so badly because of his name he encouraged children to call him Barry.

However, I was kind of upset to find out that it would not go into racial relations and Baracks stance on certain situations. Situations such as the Oscar Grant trial and the killing of Aiyana Stanley-Jones. I was extremely pleased that Malcolm X and Barack Obama discussed both the impact of Jeremiah Wright and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad impact on their lives. Both men admitted to have looked at those individuals as father figures and were disappointed to have separated from them.

Jacqueline Clay Chester is looking to expand on the play with a part two and hopefully continue to travel to different cities. What would you say if you met Malcolm X or Barack Obama?

Malcolm X:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

YouTube Stars

During my morning YouTube routine of discovering new talent I came across these two interesting individuals...
Apparently anyone can become a star...all you need is the internet, a video camera and YouTube.

Meet Bangs:

And this young lady here I will call Lovely!

Do you have the POWER?

"Rumble, young man, rumble
Life is a trip, so sometimes, we gon’ stumble
You gotta go through pain in order to become you
But once the world numbs you, you’ll feel like it’s only one you
Now you got the power to do anything you want to
Until you ask yourself, “Is this what it’s all come to?” - Jay Z

I am a huge Kanye fan and was so amped when I heard the Power remix with Jay-Z and Swizz Beatz...Kanye spazzed at the end (of course) but Jay also lended a couple of bars which are status worthy. But the meaning behind the song caused me to ask "Why do people have so much Power when it comes to meaningless things? Why do we hold someone to that rank and expect them to live up to OUR expectations? The public damn near tried to murder Kanye for his outburst with Taylor Swift! In reality who cares and why? We seem to be focused on the wrong things now.

"What does it mean to be the boss?
It means second place is the first one who lost
The crucifixion, the being nailed to the cross
Truth or fiction, it’s a hell of a cost, do the dishes"

So often in America we put entertainers on pedestals and look at them as if there is no wrong that can be done. But do we hold ourselves to those same standards and know the burden that comes with such a title. Of course, everyone wants to be the boss but no one wants to claim it when it All Falls Down. Kanye has now dropped two singles and supposedly "dropped" his ego and is becoming a better person. But what about those who ridiculed him...are they the same ones who annointed him with that power and expected him to act accordingly? What are they doing with their POWER?

"I seen people abuse power, use power, misuse and then lose power
Power to the people at last, it’s a new hour" - K. West

Do you have the POWER to create around you and make others believe in what you're selling (dreams). I believe everyone posseses some type of POWER, it justs depends on what you choose to do with it. Make the best out of any situation and know your strengths. Fortunately for Kanye he knew his and is seemingly back to the egotistical rapper that the masses fell in love with.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Moment in History: 19th Amendment Anniversary

Today marks the 90th anniversary of the 19th Amendment!!! Why is this so important? Well for those that don't know the 19th amendment prohibits states from denying US citizens the right to vote...and so did one of the previous amendments. Know which one?

"The right of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex"

It was ratified on August 18, 1920

Artist Spotlight: Sheila Pree Bright

This past week I had the pleasure of meeting the wonderful fine art photographer Sheila Pree Bright. I am new to the world of following photography, but I must admit that when I first saw her work on display I became intrigued immediately by the message conveyed in the portraits.

Sheila Pree Bright is best known for her nuanced but complex studies of racial identity and her ability to shatter audiences' perceptions of people of color. One of her most famous exhibits would be Young Americans and was premiered at the High Museum of Art Atlanta. Young Americans explores the identities of American citizens (18-25) and those seeking citizenship by presenting portraits, posing with the American flag.

I was amazed when I saw this exhibit and upon further research she is now in my favorites as far as artists go. The notion of snapping a picture and building a story to accompany in the way that Sheila has done, speaks to a different level of being artistic. One can easily look at her portraits and began to assume what the picture is saying but then you read the plaque and realize it's so much more. Her most recent exhibit is entitled "Girls, Grills and Guns", and is currently on display at the Sandler Hudson Gallery located in Atlanta, GA.

CNN covered the Young Americans exhibit...

For more info check out her websites:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

20 Questions

1. Why do people drive with their top down and ALL the windows up?

2. Why do you update your status and then get mad when someone comments?

3. What is the purpose of wearing thong sandals and socks?

4. Why isn't the President required to have any form of higher education but to become a manager at McDonalds you need to have a bachelors degree?

5. Why are you posing next to an expensive car that isn't yours? (everyone knows you don't own it)

6. When did the word "bitch" become a term of endearment?

7. If everyone has haters who is doing the hating?

8. Why is it that CEO's, Presidents, and Directors of companies get bonuses when employees are getting layed-off and worse the company is failing?

9. Why is it okay to demonize a man for spousal abuse but not a woman?

10. Why is spanking considered child abuse but neglect and isolation are promoted?

11. Why is it that cigarettes which have a proven record of killing people and causing cancer to those who smoke and those around them is legal and weed which has no record of killing or causing serious damage to anyone but is iligeal? Coincidently weed helps to treat epilepsy, glaucoma, and other illnesses.

12. Why is it that housewives who don't work are famous and receive checks for not working while teachers, policemen, firemen, and social workers are being layed off?

13. Why is it singers don't have to sing to be successful? Ex. Rihanna, Britney Spears, Cassie, and many more. (Ashanti)

14. Why is it that songs now have 1:00 minute of verse and 2:00 to 3:00 minutes of chorus?

15. Why do food and beverage vendors throw out tons of edible food, retailers destroy millions of dollars of clothes when styles go out of fashion, and property owners board up thousands of homes when there are millions more hungry and homeless people everywhere?

16. Why is it that Part-Time employees work more hours then Full-Time?

17. When did rappers start glorifying drugs, gangs and violence instead of uplifting the community?

18. What's taking Spike Lee and John Singleton so long to release another film?

19. How old is Lil Mama?

20. Why didn't Whoopi Goldberg have on make-up when she played the part of Celie? Celie had a reputation of being ugly and they just used Whoopi's plain ol face!

Friday, August 13, 2010

SMH news of the day

We have got to put an end to this foolishness...

Who is 50 Tyson? I'm not even sure if he knows...let alone his age

Then there is Brian Pumper...Lloyd Banks look a like adult film star

Our people need PRAYER and lots of it!

Nigger v. Nigga: Is There A Difference

Aye what's up my nigga! Nigga please or is it Nigger please? This word has long been debated, discussed and placed under constant scrutiny but is it really that bad? The term "originated" during the days of chattle slavery and was used intentionally to berate people of African descent. However within the last 30 years it has become a term of endearment amongst many African American youth and adults alike. The issue with this is, how can a group of people take such a derogatory saying and transform it into something acceptable. Sayings such as my nigga or I love my niggas makes it hard to criticize other races for using the expression as well.

The word NIGGA itself has a lot to do with race and when I say race I mean African Americans and Caucasians. That is the only reason it is an issue. Plenty of rappers use the word in their songs. For example (Jigga My Nigga, Real Nigga Roll Call, Down 4 My Niggas, Niggas Die For Me etc...) have been acceptable to play on radio and these videos have been broadcasted on tv screens across the nation. Who's to blame? The only time it becomes an issue is when someone outside of the color line uses the word or the frame in which they use it is compromised.

We have created this double standard within the black community that makes it acceptable for "us" to use it, but when a person of Caucasian descent uses the word it turns into a racial issue and in pops Al Sharpton. I have heard many of my friends say "well it's the manner in which it is used"...blah blah blah. As a people the only way we can overcome anything is to first look at the problem and solve it from the inside out. Meaning stop worrying so much about what another race is doing if we inflict it upon ourselves the majority of the time. I even know of people who allow other races to say the word as long as there is a friendship between the two parties. Backwards, backwards and backwards. We have to look in the mirror and evaluate ourselves if we want to point the blame at others. Check out these videos on the use of the word nigga/nigger and if you like reading pick up a copy of Nigger by Randall Kennedy!

From N.O. to ATL...moving artwork

Artist Patricia Nobella hails from New Orleans, Louisiana and relocated to Atlanta, GA after Hurricane Katrina. Her artwork inspires me to become more involved with Black art and research other artists who she models. Artists such as Romare Bearden, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Jacob Lawrence and Jean-Michel Basquiat to name a few. Nobella attributes being from New Orleans as a major inspiration for the artwork she creates. Not only is she a talented painter she also creates jewelry and can hold a note or two...lol. Check her out at the Apache Cafe on Wednesday nights and visit her website for info on artwork!

Nobella Creations - some of the art/jewelry

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Power in words...

Think Outside of the Box

Salvador Dali is possibly one of the greatest artists/painters that many have considered crazy but I would like to think he was a genius. I never took notice of the works Dali created until the exhibit "Salvador Dali: The Late Work" opened at the High Museum of Art Atlanta. Dali started off as a surrealist painter and his works influenced some of the Renaissance masters. He is best known for his most famous piece "The Persistence of Memory" and his artistic repertoire expands to film, sculpture and photography.
Salvador Dali could even be seen with the likes of Alice Cooper and Andy Warhol. After his separation from the surrealist movement in 1934 Dali took a more scientific approach to art... It takes someone with great talent and skill to successfully paint pictures like this or even have the mind to make a picture come to life...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Classic TV shows...

Make you feel like a kid again!

Back in the day

I was always the pink ranger

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Show Me A Good Time

Blessed to see 24 years on this beautiful earth. Thankful to share it with close friends and family and looking forward to many more!! Click the link for pics

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Rest is Still Unwritten

Bon Voyage party for Christina...

More pics

What Your Music Says About You

What music best describes me?

I start my morning off with this...

I'm a Leo so of course I believe...

To know me...