Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Conversation

Can we please have The Conversation more often about issues that matter and directly affect us? Can we talk about the trash in our communities along with the strips of fast food restaurants. Did I forget the retail stores? Ask yourself this why are these things place only in your neighborhoods? If you had other options would you eat somewhere else? Do you have bike lanes on your street? How safe is your neighborhood park? Do your children even have a place where they can play outside without worrying about broken bottles, needles and stragglers trying to talk to them? If you can answer more than one of these questions and the response is not positive, then we need to have The Conversation in your community.

Can we talk about the disparaging number of single mothers who can't afford to spend time with their children because they have to work two jobs just to keep the light on? Can we talk about the mothers on welfare who spend ALL of their time with their children, yet use profanity and talk to the child like he/she is an adult? Can we talk about niggas and bitches? Can we talk about the number of children ho can't read or write but know every lyric to every song on the radio? Can we talk about what a family used to be? What happened to us?

 We need to bring solutions to every problem you present. But only if the people agree to help, you see the community is only as strong as its members. When will enough be enough for you? When will you stand up for the next generation?

Can we please have The Conversation more often about issues that matter and directly affect us? Can we talk?

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