Thursday, March 3, 2011

Womens History Month

Let's make a toast to all the beautiful women!
Women of every color, stature and economic status are to be honored this month. Not only is it the time to honor all women, but women will be recognized for their trailblazing acts of courage and defining moments in history and for many years to come. However, this Women's History Month I would like for all women to begin self-love and the appreciation of ourselves. Often we gossip amongst ourselves about OTHER women and bring each other down. Let us learn to love and uplift other women. Who cares if we are friends with them or not. We have to start within ourselves to make the change. We all see the images portrayed of women in music videos...let us not perpetuate those even further with our daily activities and learn to LOVE regardless of differences.

Need I say more?

Love this song...

And Ladies First

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