Friday, May 28, 2010

Republicans need a hug

So...this week should be national hug-a-hater week because some people just don't know how and when to control their tongue. Sarah Palin recently spoke out about the oil spill that is currenlty effecting the Gulf of Mexico and its immediate surroundings. In her interview she criticized Obama for not "diving" into the oil spill disaster and being more efficient with solving the problem. However Sarah Palin wasn't the only one who felt the need to jump on the Obama bandwagon, several Republicans also faulted Obama for not quickly putting an end to the spill. And if I do recall Obama did say "I take responsibility for oil spill crisis".

Now wait a minute here, where were these same republicans when Hurricane Katrina took place nearly 5 yrs ago and George Bush was nowhere to be found? Were they at there trying to help people or sending shipments of food and supplies to those in need? Nope, didn't think so. Not to mention the people of New Orleans are still suffering today with no sign of recovering fully. The only thing George Bush did was fly over in a helicopter to survey the area, didn't get out and talk to the people and hopefully restore hope there...that must have been above his pay grade!

Is Kanye back?

They say I was the Obamanation of Obama's Kanye definitely went in on this latest track, it seems to have came at the right time for the music world and what some may consider black America. After all Mr. West was the one that sparked a match when he said "George Bush doesn't like black people".

Check it out

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Boondocks: Controversial? Yes or No

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oil Spill

How would you try to stop the oil spill if you had the opportunity?

KKK Outfits Spark Outrage

U.S. History teacher Catherine Ariemma is the center of a class film project gone wrong. Ariemma allowed four of her students to dress up in KKK paraphernalia to finish the film project but was unaware of the reaction she would receive from several students. Several civil rights activist have went on record to say that the project didn't deserve the negative attention it has been receiving, and some African Americans need to be concerned about far more serious issues. For example John Evans said "we've got more things to worry about than something that happened 100 years ago." Evans statement is in fact true that there are other important happenings taking place, however that does not mean that the issue gets swept under the rug when it is somehow tainted or not addressed properly.

On one hand the students wearing the KKK uniform isn't a bad issue. For one it is apart of American history and students need to be aware of events that have shaped this country. On the other hand the way the students were presented should have been more thought out. The teacher had them walk through the cafeteria without any prior conversation with school officials so that they would be well equipped to handle this situation. So some of the negative feedback is warranted in this case.

If a bunch of African American students were to walk around with berets on, black leather jackets quoting the constitution with their fists in the air how would school officials react then. Would it be "oh the incident is being blown out of proportion" or "they should not be allowed to dress in such a manner" What do you think?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Look at the "Man in the Mirror"

Following the death of 7 yr old Aiyana Stanley-Jones who was killed in a police raid in Detroit last week, Rev. Al Sharpton left the city with the charge to stop the violence. He also called the shooting of Aiyana a "breaking point" and that now the communities must take matters into their own hands. The problems that surround this issue is not only the fact that an innocent 7 yr. old lost her life but more than likely the police will not be held accountable yet again.

Refer back to the case of Amadou Diallo who was unarmed and shot 41 times by four NYC police officers. Even though the circumstances surrounding the shooting in Detroit is different than Diallo's case, the officers were acquitted of all charges and the family received a $3,000,000 settlement. It can be observed from previous shootings/killings of African Americans that when it comes to senseless acts of violence done by the police no one is held responsible...time for the community to take a stand

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2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up

Regardless of what you may be going through there are brighter days ahead...

Friday, May 21, 2010

The New History

Gail Lowe, the chair of the Texas State Board of Education, told The Daily Texan newspaper "I don't see any evidence that people are pursuing any political or personal agendas,". The board, which is made up of 10 Republicans and five Democrats, seem to have concluded that Texas' classrooms have been tainted with a liberal preference. As a result, the board has spent numerous hours hearing from members of the community on subjects such as whether labor activist Chavez and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall deserve space in history textbooks alongside founding fathers like Benjamin Franklin. The issue of whether Christianity deserves more classroom time in the Texas public school systems, and whether Abraham Lincoln deserves so much. Last week, the board voted 7-6 to make some changes, so that the state standards will mandate that lessons include the causes and key organizations and individuals of the conservative resurgence of the 1980s and 1990s, including anti-feminism advocate Schlafly, the Contract with America, the Heritage Foundation, the Moral Majority and the National Rifle Association. Discussions ranged from whether President Reagan should get more attention which received a yes, to whether hip-hop should be included as part of lessons on American culture which received a no. President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis's inaugural address should be studied alongside Abraham Lincoln's was also approved.

Contributers: David Knowles (AOL), Michael Birnbaum (Washington Post)

EAdams: Winston Churchill said "History is written by the Victors" and he was right, what he did not realize is that History is re-written by those with power. The separation of church and state is a policy that America’s founding fathers felt needed to uphold.
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind," Thomas Paine writes in The Age of Reason, 1795.
"Question with boldness even the existence of a god," was said by Thomas Jefferson Letter to Peter Carr, 10 August 1787
"During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution," said James Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments in 1785.

It would be a gross violation of those very principals to add more Judeo-Christian beliefs and bias to a government funded textbook association and educational institution. To disproportionately remove people of color’s contributions to the United States History is also a direct act of negligence on the part of the Textbook commission and could potentially be viewed as an attempt to promote white supremacy.
The significance of language is made very apparent when issues of slavery are brought up. One of the potential alterations of history are to change to Slave Trade that occurred in the Atlantic to calling the process simply the Atlantic Trade Route and removing the word Slave from it’s title. Slavery makes up the vast majority of American History and according the Textbook commission the chapters discussing the subject will have to be shortened to make more room for information on Presidents such as George Bush and Ronald Regan.
My Response: Fuck That...